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The March Winds That Blow

The March Winds That Blow

The March winds blow hard. With them come the conflict of change as Winter fights to stay a little longer and Spring fights to take her place in “The Dance of the Seasons”. Nature is waking from it’s slumber and we see signs of it all around. Tiny leaves are budding on trees. The bulbs planted in deep cold winter soil, are pushing their way to the warmth of the sun, the warm days are becoming more constant and the stir of new bloom is all around.

We as humans feel it too. We have tired of the cold dark days of winter and are ready to bloom in the warm spring sun. The longing for freshness and new adventures is strong. Change is in the air and we feel its ever increasing pulse. Yet while nature’s timing syncs with the rhythm of the seasons and embraces both the change coming and the need to pace itself to beat of that rhythm, we have a tendency to fight change. Even change that we long for, we fight it. Even knowing it will bring freshness to our perspective and new adventures to our journey we tend to linger longer where we have become comfortable. We will hang on to those blankets that shelter us even when we loathe the cold dark winter. We stay wrapped up in its warmth, though it has begun to suffocate us. We are caught between our comfortable, uncomfort and the new chapter that beckons us. 

Every person has found themselves there. Jobs, relationships, living arrangements, etc. all have a shelf life. Like canning jars in a root cellar the length of that shelf life goes according to the foundation, properties, complexity and composition of each entity. Change is constant. We can fight it and most do but in the end it ultimately wins. Normally the longer we stay, the more volatile its winning will be.

 I recently helped my sister and sister-in-law move from the three bedroom apartment they had made their home for 23 years. The foundation was crumbling, the floors worn, the walls showed stress cracks, the windows had become cloudy, no longer letting in the sparkles of sunshine. It had lost its happiness and purpose. It was falling apart around them yet because it was “home” they hung on. Their boys had grown up there, they had invested time, money, effort and heart into it. As they boxed up and sorted through they were torn. Tempers and tears were short and many. Even as they lay down to the first nights sleep in a new place, knowing it was the best place to be and the future showed all kinds if promise and possibilities they wanted to go “home”. 

Any scenario that you’ve outgrown or no longer serves your journey can be substituted in the above one mentioned. I can easily replace my sister’s house, with my last relationship. The foundation was crumbling and shaking violently, the walls were cracked, the warmth that had resided was replaced with coldness, accusations and manipulation. Still I hung on for years, long after it had served it’s time and purpose because once again I was letting go of something I had invested my time, my emotions, my money and effort into.Walking away, even knowing I was better for it still felt like a failure. Everyone can put a scenario that fits into this equation. One where they stayed because walking away felt impossible, and though it would be in their best interest it was a huge change. What if in that walking away from the old and embracing a new, a better chapter we fail again?!? Yet if we continue to stay as everything falls apart around we are losing precious time. 

For life should be lived audaciously out loud. Happiness is more than a feeling, it is essential to our health and well being. And my Lovepies, this is NOT a dress rehearsal! We are here for a brief time in great scheme of this Universe. In time space, merely moments. As we grow and learn, those moments become precious. The need to embrace the adventure and paint life’s canvas brighter becomes louder and clearer. 

I have been blessed with gifts: my writing skills, my singing voice, my intuition, my culinary skills to name a few. For years, since my teenage dream of being a reporter for the Rolling Stone, I wanted to write, to be an accomplished writer. “To be passionate about what you do is the best job you can have” I was once told by a teacher years ago. Yet not finishing college, being a young single mom had life making other plans for me. I settled for the “mundane comfort” of making a living in the corporate world to keep a roof over mine and my daughter’s heads. Working for companies, living in relationships, staying loyal long after I had outgrow my position, long after they showed their true colors. Remember that “no matter how many times a snake sheds it skin, it still a snake” as the saying goes. It took awhile for me to learn that lesson. My loyalty and hard work didn’t hold much weight and I ended up with change still happening, usually not in a positive way but once I embraced it, it always led to something better, something more suited to my path. As I made my journey through magic always appeared.

It took me awhile to learn not only that but to embrace change as it comes and it has served me well. There are two things I have always wanted in this journey to make my writing a livelihood and to share life’s journey with someone who sees “me”. Both are challenging. I have written cards, poems, short stories since I was 14. Always keeping them to myself or a select few. I have shared the journey with those who liked the “package” but only some of the accessories, wanting to change or get rid of what they didn’t like or didn’t agree with. 

Facebook helped me stretch my writing wing and using this blog as a launching pad I am now working to making my dream job a reality. I know I still have to work the nine to five for now but with each entry here my presence and name becomes more know. As for my other want, unexpected doors have opened but only time will tell what they hold. I am up for the challenge and change if they are. Let’s see what happens!

And you, Lovepies... are you ready to embrace the change, the challenge for the new adventures that call your name? Go break some rules and blaze your trail! It’s time and it’s worth it!!

Until We Chat Again, Brighest Blessings,


Remembering Momma

Remembering Momma

A Clean Page... Write Well

A Clean Page... Write Well