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Thoughts for The Journey

Thoughts for The Journey

Life has a way of reminding you that IT is a gift. In its subtle nudge to get us to look beyond what our eyes “see”. Its constant ebb and flow that pulses with a rhythm that few seldom hear or even notice until they are fighting its tide one way or the other. I am a magical creature that was taught by a magical creature (my momma) that a rich life entails far more than what we have been programed to buy into as a society. We didn’t have a lot of money growing up but we had the richest life even with all the hardships. I still don’t have a lot of material wealth but I would take a night under the stars in the desert with my Greenman over the shiniest diamond or the fanciest penthouse, ANY day! I would rather be “the star in someone’s night sky” than the CEO of a multi-million dollar company.


So consumed with the daily mundane of earning that paycheck; looking for shortcuts to the brass ring; knowing the answers to ALL the questions; to be the next “big deal”; to hold the perfect job, the perfect love, the perfect life; to shine our sainthood and “save” the sinners… Always with eyes on in that final destination so wrapped up in that, one forgets all about the journey. Oh my sweet Pets, THE Journey IS what it’s all about!!


My philosophy for many years has been “It’s all about journey and not the destination”… I try to apply it to every facet of my life. Sure I have been knocked down: failed jobs, heart broken in past love relationships, the core of my foundation shook by life’s upheavals & tragedies. Yet, the experience of the journey keeps me every going forward, my spiritual path keeps me grounded and human; my passions keep me intrigued and my audacious thrill for adventure keeps me eager to try again.  My imperfections along with my unique warrior & witchy ways push my desire to live on the edge, be a little dangerous, to stay an audacious adventurer. I want to fill each moment with as much as possible. I know that I have to work a normal job (for now) but for every hour I work I want time to play. I desire to be with someone that not only appreciates the unique and vivacious creature I am but that knows the “finer things in life” are for more simple than a big house and a new car. And most of them don’t cost much more than your time and attention.


Some of the greatest wisdom I have found: Less is more; Like is far more important than love; The original and unique gift is often over looked for the pretty wrapped packages and the pretty wrapping often hides a ugly and far less desirable truth; That there is far more out there than what your eyes “see” if you learn to look from your soul; that while your spiritual path may not match the person next to you, we are all striving for the same thing and in all our teachings and faith none of us knows with absolute certainty what lies beyond the bend when that final voyage is set. That if you get so caught up in making a living, you might forget to live your life. That you are NOT a half; you don’t need someone to complete you. YOU are already whole but it is certainly the most wonderful day when you find someone that wants to remind you of that fact, someone who doesn’t see your wounds as disasters in your soul but cracks where they can put their love. That what we put out into the Universe will surely come back and we must love ourselves in order to know how to love and show others how to love us.


Be at peace with your life, take the time to enjoy the journey, hold onto those that are a constant in life, be it full or flush. You know the ones that see your flaws, as well as your gifts and love you even more. If you talk the talk, then walk your walk! Don’t let fear stop you from going after you dreams and desires. I know change is scary but change is constant and it almost always leads to the most amazing encounters and adventures. Speak your truth even if your voice shakes. You know "tell the truth and shame the devil" as they say. Don't stay where you merely exist because it's "safe" and familiar", go where you are wanted and can thrive. Say the words that live in your soul and never not tell those that you hold close how much they mean to you for the time will come where they are beyond your touch and the sound of your voice, they will only walk the hallways of your heart.


The Red Thread of Fate

The Red Thread of Fate

The Courage To Shine