Sophia's Reflections From The Lookingglass

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A Clean Page... Write Well

A brand new year. It's exciting to look ahead with great wonder & anticipation. Yet it is only natural to look back with a little longing, one last time as the door to this chapter closes. A clean page awaits your pen to make the first stroke, play the first cord in the song that is weaving with  the tune that is ever playing. 

Life did not promise you that it would always be easy, just that it would be worth it. There have been those times of hitting the loose gravel on the Life's road and ending up in the ditch; of picking up the pieces of our broken hearts and shatter dreams, pressing onward even when we thought we could not take the next step. We all have laid at the crossroads, willing ourselves to get up, while wondering if it was worth it. Yet in these difficult moments, WE discover who we truly are! What essence lies within our depths. The good times... those happy, vibrant, seductive moments are easy... THEY are our rewards for coming through the turmoil and storms that sometimes rage out of control... They are the shining moments on the mountain after your long journey through the valley. It IS how One journeys through that valley that sets the course of who YOU truly are within! 

We have all stayed too long in a job, situation, relationship or place knowing we have outgrown it yet we stay. We let our fear of change and the “what if we fail” paralysis us, even as longing in our soul roars. Yet when we dig in our heels and reach within our depth. Drawing from our own unique light and take that leap of faith, have the courage to embrace the new and unknown, we will find that that adventure in the journey again. Draw your bow; steady your sword... Let NOT YOUR fear & uncertainty cloud your sight. The Light in the distance holds your reward. To tame YOUR dragons holds a whole new world of possibilites. If you take the "easy way" or just stay in your “comfort zone”, you will neither grow or learn. Draw from your Dragons strength & be the warrior that calls from your soul. "Look" beyond what your eyes see, "Listen" beyond what your ears hear. There are layers that are beyond this physical realm but you have to be opened to embrace the infinite possibilities that are always around you. No one can do this work for another but IF YOU are truly conscious, pure of spirit & true of heart you will be bless by circle of AMAZING souls that will support & stand by you through your turbulant times and celebrate your accomplishments & conquests... THEY are your champions, they are your light shining in the darkest moments... And extention of the depth of YOU... They came to YOU because of who YOU ARE within, not for the “You” most percieve one to be... 

How do I know this I see you ask... I know for I am surrounded by a small yet most AMAZING circle and been blessed with a Greenman that reminds that my light still shines even when I feel it eludes me. These special souls are ALWAYS with ME, even in my darkest doubts... they shine for ME... I only hope I do the same for THEM.

Remember to step from behind your mask & Let YOUR Light shimmer & sparkle. Know this "YOU ARE a child of the Universe, no less than the trees & the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul."  Remember that this is NOT a dress rehearsal and to live your life outloud on your terms not by what another person or society in general thinks you should live it. Write well in this new year, my Lovepies!